I am a tenured Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche (equivalent to a Senior Lecturer in the UK) in the Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science at the Geneva School of Economics and Management of the University of Geneva. My research interests include functional data analysis, and applications to (neuro-)imaging, phonetics, biophysics, econometrics and genomics (see publications below).
More information are available in my short bio.
July 2024: new paper on arxiv on Normative brain mapping of 3-dimensional morphometry imaging data using skewed functional data analysis.
April 2024: new paper on arxiv on Statistics in Phonetics.
December 2022: our paper on High-dimensional Functional Factor Models is accepted as a two-part paper in the Journal of Time Series Analysis!
February 2022: congratulations to my first PhD student, Dr Marco Palma, for successfully defending his viva (phd examination)!
January 2022: our paper on exploring the trap-bath split is accepted in JRSS C!
December 2021: new paper on arXiv with Susana Conde and Daphne Ezer. (the paper was finalized 04/2020 but added much later on arXiv)
August 2021: I have started a new appointment at the University of Geneva.
December 2020: I have been invited to be an Associate Editor for the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
August 2020: new preprint on exploring the trap-bath split with my 4th year dissertation student Aranya Koshy.
May 2020: Our paper on Quantifying Uncertainty in Brain-predicted Age is accepted in Neuroimage!
October 2019: Our paper on modelling dialect sounds variations is now published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association (Theory & Methods) as a discussion paper.
September 2019: I am invited to propose the vote of thanks for a JRSS B discussion paper.
June 2019: New preprint available: High-dimensional Functional Factor Models.
Preprint Code and data Paper Part I Paper Part II free view-only Part I free view-only Part II
Applied Bayesian Statistics @ UNIGE
Mathématiques 1 for GSEM BSc @ UNIGE
Mathématiques 1 for BARI @ UNIGE
Mathématiques 2 for GSEM BSc @ UNIGE
Multivariate Analysis @ UNIGE
Associate Editor for Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
Proposer for JRSS B Discussion Paper
Module ST323/412 @ Warwick
How can we measure accents?